A Bombayite doesn't really know 'winter', well this time we're getting it. The sharp chill has opened doors to winter fashions in a city where an over shirt would get you looks from locals, to say 'you're NOT from Mumbai'.
I love winter and look wistfully at my bags of woolies from travels in cooler climes, stacked away in labelled boxes. The sultry weather makes them redundant.
Out they come now... for Mumbai it's not a passing wave, its WINTER! A popular suburban street lined with 'all styles available' summer wear & flipflops round the year, now stocks boots and furry bed-room slippers to my surprise, quite unusual for Mumbai.
Its a blast of color. Oddly enough I saw girls flopping around in these on a local train station.
Boots on Bombay streets.. it's a sight! Folks have been trotting around in them since zara & co. are the new fashion dictators here. It's even managed to trickle down to the street in next to no time.
These springtime verdure flipflops sit cheek-by-jowl with chill weather footwear, the Bombayite is not quite sure when winter checks out.