Saturday, February 26, 2011

...... More Hissing Hats!

Felt hats are so versatile in form shape color, thinking of that, last season H&M had these fantastic turquoise colored Billycock hats a great take off on the original black ones.

I like the Top hat with the deep purple flower! Theatrical chic!
Down the Alley....

We have more head-gear coming.. more effortless Milanese style...

Hissing Hats and Heads that bear them!

Hats have been around for centuries, whether they were worn for protection against the elements, for ceremonial or religious reasons, for safety, or as a Fashion accessories. In the past, hats were an indicator of social status. (says wikipedia and us).
Haven't they always added an element of interest? I love hats even if its odd to trot around in something like a top hat or a Venetian one in India but the Milanese as they're known for, re-invent styles with ease and you'd be happy to strut your hats in Milan.
This young lad is like a walking story, found him pacing a deserted street on a Sunday morning near the Roman columns di San Lorenzo. I watched him for quite a while with fascination before I could take a shot of him. Some of them have such stories to tell by way of style, dress and gait. This one in particular was distinctly enigmatic.

PS:There's a great ancient Milanese hat store in Porta Venezia at the corner near one of the metro exits if any of you happen to be there its worth a visit.

AND there are loads more hats to come in the following posts. I'd love to know more from any of you hat lovers or collectors or just admirers!  

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ironic 'innocence'!

This picture describes it best! Its an irony of two strong visual icons one which is not of the 'innocent' combined with bright colored smarties like accessories for pops of color giving the look a sort of fun innocence at the same time these girls keep in place their sensuality too.

I didn't go into details of explaining every picture; thought I'd leave them up to you to observe and absorb. Its quite a fascinating micro trend, ofcourse some are socially called kidults  but "Sweet sensuality" is quite specific to how accessory styles build the look.

I'd love to hear of your observations or if you spot this trend else where in your own cities!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fashion "AGES"!

Fashion "AGES" the pun well intended in the title of this post is about how fashion ages and how different ages carry fashion. Its interesting to watch how the "Donne Milanese" never let their fashion fade and also how the "bambine" and "ragazze" develop and grow with it.

(Translations could be found at the end of this page if needed--- Traduzioni è stato trovato alla fine di questa pagina se necessario)

 This 'Signora Milanese' is about 75 years old charming and in style going window shopping.
 Love the cheerful graphic print this 'Bambina' has on her trench.
 La Nonna e Bimba both in style!
 Love her confident style and color coding!!
Voila!! Another fashionable donna I see the color coding quite an important detail, that women this age pay quite some attention to, coordinating whether striking contrasts or subtle co-ordinates.
Love the hot Pink trench and the pearls for the delicate touch!
 Chic short crop well colored!
Signora Milanese in her winter fur coat, such 'must haves' in every signora's wardrobe, the delicate lace peeping out from under softens this robust Italiana.
Yes I told you every signora this age owns one of those! :) I like the color she's added to hers!
 Teen-'age' Fashions!! I don't think I need to say much!
The 'hello kitty' victims! but age is no barrier with them! This sure looks like it will age though!

I love comments!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

At the Fiera! Mumbai!

Mumbai/Bombay is home to the crowds, trains, smells, horns, the Bollywood demi-gods and to the almost extinct Parsi community.
Much of its beauty lies in its colonial architecture -- goth in style, which is part of the older quarters of the city. To me the post-'Raj' architecture and city planning is a disaster, in bad taste and shabby ... in the pits. Soaring skyscrapers that pose like design peaks are quickly replacing old mills and houses that once formed part of the city & its character. Mumbai still fights for survival, to save its art and culture.
The older quarter of the city plays host to an art and culture festival with much opposition from government bodies; the Kalaghoda arts festival finally managed to take off this year as well and I happened to be in the city.
There were surging crowds and way too many shutterbugs; to my surprise quite a weak sense of identity and style was evident; however there were a few interesting sights that traveled a long way here and I'd like to share these with you.

The Village folk were doing  great with their array of color  and comfortable culture clothing.

Color Pop! Funky cell phone cover to add to the dainty lady.

Ethno-chic silhouette!
They have the style, color and the expression & the depth!

The innocence is heart-rending at the fun-filled puppet show!

Color Blast!! Cheerful delight!

Ethno-Kitsch.. ancora!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Alternative styles!

I've been away long and I'm on a little quest to understanding urban design!
However I fell upon these personal favourites of some alternative styles that these guys have developed and we may or may not push them into trend categories but they sure caught my eye!

Focus is their interesting hairstyles and how the rest of the style falls in place with that. The colors the accessories and most of all the expressions!
What do you think about how personal style rubs off on the expressions people carry? or is it vice-versa? Boh!

Friday, February 4, 2011

...Alright I'm back with the third sub-trend under "Synthesized Synergism"
What is so interesting about these fashion trends are that they're real trends from the streets from real people doing real everyday fashion.

Sub-trend 3:   Back to the Future

Fairy Shrimps

An organic inspiration of the title which is a creature that swims on its back and uses its legs to filter food particles (pun intended on the title “fairy”) The fairy shrimps are a category that are inspired by the past but in a whimsical manner.
Human behaviors which are similar to the behavioral pattern of this creature, and it's like swimming on one’s back, in a 'fairy' like way. 
   Vintage Vanity
  I have ofcourse launched a similar trend before doing a short analysis calling it 're-vived history' 

Vintage vanity is represented through an individualistic attitude and personality. It’s a hunger for a new world of fantasy based on the nostalgic dreams of the past.

Mix of modern music, fantasy stories, world of animation and a desire to be somebody else. To portray an image of vintage vanity victim.

The vintage vanity people have similar recognizable elements which are common among them and easily identifiable. The garments or/and accessories look straight out of grandma’s closet, from a vintage costume cupboard… or just theatrical & from another era. 

Falsification of retro by using the outer recognizable elements, silhouettes and simple shapes which are easily recognisable and relate to the specific era and style, more commonly used periods of fashion style are the 50’s to the 80’s, since possibilities of recreating these eras are easier. Simple and characteristic shapes, colors and accessories and also the lines which are the main value of each style can be easily recreated in our days not only by using authentic clothing from each period, but by using modern elements for recreating these past styles by copying the main elements. Here emerges the trend “retrofication”!

The character of Milan is so marked because of this array of styles that make the city so cosmo. There are not only clones of a dictated style walking through the streets but statements. Yes we do feel the presence of Armani in Milano and that’s what keepsthe style so sanely “Milanese”. 

Still, what really fascinates me on the streets of Milan and has me awestruck at times is the juxtaposition of Gothic, Roman and Neoclassical architecture with contemporary graffiti in harmony with each other.
The best sighted example of this to me is the columns of San Lorenzo. On one side there are these ancient Roman columns and bang opposite  is the most beautifully done graffiti.

 Milano ti amo!!